
And then I’m back again

So why am I here? And, now?

I scrapped my old BlogSpot account, like how the Avengers annihilated every morsel of Ultron’s being from the internet. I read the contents of my blog one day and I realized it didn’t represent me anymore; but, only an over-enthusiastic, super-sensitive, introvert version of myself, who had a very conformist standard to live by. Yikes, I know! The introvert part wouldn’t completely go, but other things have. So, I blew my blog to kingdom come.

Sometime around when I was 23, life happened to me in a big way. I was collaborating with a lot of people on a regular basis. I was meeting new people almost every day and I was writing like a fanatic. I used to have a lot of lost sleep to catch up on, that I got accustomed to sleeping for 18 hours on Saturdays. The little writing tasks, I took up, were for my friends and I engaged in creating content in several formats viz. website content, copy, translation, subtitling, reviewing scripts and documents, and lyrics for advertisements. Not to forget the countless SoP rewrites for NRI friends! The more I was scrawling the more I was learning, and it sufficed for me.

My full-time job as an Instructional designer didn’t satiate my appetite for writing, and I started picking writing works that came my way. Oh boy, did it come! Not because I was an exceptional writer, at that point, but I was the only one who had the patience to write a few words. I was happy but I wasn’t able to put my writing works up on my blog – and it was just lying there like Mr.Pennywise The Clown – making note of my away time. The nightmare was I barely had the time to write for my own pleasure.

Last year, I stopped writing poems to be put on Facebook for everyone to devour (I do remember the 5-6 people who like my posts, by their names) and started writing short stories. I had acquired a weird taste for personal writing. Suddenly, everything is a material that is waiting to be turned into a great story (that people would mostly choose to ignore!)

Quite lately, I have stopped taking up random, little jobs and started taking only meaningful works. I decided to take Virginia Woolf’s sound advice and got a room of my own – in cyberspace. I am planning to write as much as I can, for the unknown audience. I hope it connects with at least a few. If not, give me some time and I’ll get you!

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