Hello, Everyone!
Finally, my website is up after long years of planning! This website is only a window into my world and obsessions. So, feel free to take a peek and let me know whether we have something in common!
Things that interest me are e-Learning, stories, science, anthropological insights, books reviews, and cooking. I try to delve into everything and I’m merely a passionately and obsessively curious individual, like anybody is.
“What are you and what’d you want to be?”
I practically ask myself that every day and I have identified myself as a “writer”. But, every so often I think I am an anthropologist at heart and that writing is just a tool to document my emic and emit perspectives, as objective as possible. I’m also a big fan of stories that are told well, irrespective of the genre it belongs to. I wrote my first short story when I was nine years old, using all the larger-than-life characters in one story, such as Servo (remember Super-human Samurai Sybersquad?), Mayavi, Captain Vyom, Phantom, and Batman. That’s MCU – Murali Cinematic Universe :-). I still recall that I wasn’t allowed to switch from pencil to fountain pen at that age, but I was already a writer!
Listing some of my endeavours that gave me a great sense of satisfaction, in the recent past:
- Experienced Instructional Designer, Technical Writer and Translator
- Subtitled for an International award winning Tamil feature film “Endless” and the latest super-hit “Sillu Karuppatti”
- Translated and live-subtitled for the play “Avvai” written by Poet Inquilab and staged by A.Mangai – a renowned academician, translator, and director
- Written “Venba” poems for the Tamil film titled Pizza 2 – The Villa
Please drop a comment if you like anything I write! Cheers!